The eye is one of the most sophisticated organs in the human body, but it is also one of them that is most exposed to external agents potentially harmful to health. Every day our eyes are subjected to continuous stress that can cause a series of problems, which can be classified into two main categories.
The red eye is the most common symptom of eye irritation and is caused by the dilation of blood vessels. This state of irritation can be caused by small stresses that increasingly affect our eyes: sensation of foreign bodies, use of digital devices, excessive light stimuli, exposure to atmospheric agents.
The main symptoms of Red Eye are itching, burning, photophobia, pain.
The use of products based on delicate plant extracts for the cleansing and balance of the ocular surface can give rapid relief.
Eye redness is a symptom that can occur very frequently.
The most important barrier between our eye and external stimuli is the tear film that performs fundamental functions of protection and nourishment of the ocular surface. This film, due to exogenous or endogenous factors, can undergo alterations causing it to lose its protective action with subsequent eye dryness.
The dry eye is, in fact, an increasingly widespread pathology caused by an alteration of the tear film due to a reduced production of tears or excessive evaporation that causes damage to the interpalpebral ocular surface.
It is often associated with symptoms of eye discomfort such as: sensation of fatigue, heavy eyes, burning, sticky eye due to secretions, difficulty opening the eyes, photophobia, pain, redness.
The treatment of dry eye should not simply soothe symptoms such as burning and redness, but intervene directly on the origin of the problem. For this reason it is important to use products that are specifically conceived, delicate and usable for prolonged periods.
Isomar Occhi products, based on seawater from the Cinque Terre, are made with natural formulas and without preservatives and can also be used with contact lenses.
Isomar eye products contain isotonic seawater.
Seawater has a nourishing effect on conjunctival cells and thanks to its composition is compatible with natural tears.