Colds, allergic rhinitis... are very common diseases and they cause an annoying feeling of closed nose and fatigue in breathing.
Isomar Decongestant Spray with Hyaluronic Acid is a hypertonic solution based on sea water and hyaluronic acid specially designed to achieve a decongestant action of nasal mucous membranes.
HYPERTONIC SEAWATER SOLUTION: seawater is decongestant due to the salt concentration of around 3%. The salty solution compared to body fluids promotes a gentle decongestant action by osmosis and helps drainage of secretion.
IALURONIC ACID: keeps the mucosa soft and hydrated. It protects the mucous membrane from dehydration by reducing the risk of dryness and micro-harm inside the nasal cavity that can occur in case of severe colds, allergic rhinitis or sinusitis.
Apply the nose nozzle to the cylinder. Spray one or two nebulisations for 2 seconds in each nostril, wait a few seconds for the solution to drip slightly and blow the nose. To better reach all the recesses of the nasal septum and therefore have a more complete and quicker cleaning, we recommend to use the bottle vertically. To facilitate use in children, even when lying down, the product can also be used in a horizontal or upside down position.
Isomar Decongestant Spray with Hyaluronic Acid is indicated for a quick relief from the nose closed in case of: colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, respiratory allergies in general also from pollen.
Isomar Decongestant Spray with Hyaluronic Acid can be used several times a day, as needed. It is recommended for both adults and children over 12 months of age. It does not induce habituation, does not damage the mucosa, does not produce overdosage and can be used even in pregnancy. Thanks to the presence of Hyaluronic Acid, it is also suitable for frequent treatments.
Hypertonic seawater (Natural saline concentration of seawater around 3%), Sodium Hyaluronate. Inert propellant gas: Nitrogen. It contains neither preservatives nor colorants.